Mid() function

Microsoft Excel defines MID function as a formula that “Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length.”

This means that we have to supply MID function three things
1.       The source string
2.       The starting position for extracting the substring and
3.       The length of resultant string.


The syntax for the MID function in Microsoft Excel is:

MID( text, start_position, number_of_characters )

Parameters or Arguments


The string that you wish to extract from.


The position in the string that you will begin extracting from. The first position in the string is 1.


The number of characters that you wish to extract.

Examples of MID Formula:

In the above example I have used two MID functions:
1.       In the first function I have used a formula =MID(A1,1,4) . So this formula starts extracting the substring from the input string present at ‘A1’. The extraction begins at position 1 and ends after 4 characters and hence the result a substring “This”.
2.       In the second function the MID formula is used as: =MID(A3,6,5). In this example the substring is extracted from the text present in ‘A3’ cell and the extraction begins from 6th position and ends after 5 characters and that’s why the resultant substring is “is an”.


·         If start_num is greater than the length of text, MID returns "" (empty text).
·         If start_num is less than the length of text, but start_num plus num_chars exceeds the length of text, MID returns the characters up to the end of text.
·         If start_num is less than 1, MID returns the #VALUE! error value.
·         If num_chars is negative, MID returns the #VALUE! error value.

Reference :

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