Find() Function

FIND function can be used when you want to locate a text string within another text string and find its position. It returns a number that represents the starting position of the string you are finding in another string.


The syntax of the Excel Find function is as follows:

FIND( find_text, within_text, [start_num] )

The first 2 arguments are required, the last one is optional.


the character or substring you want to find.


the text string to be searched within. Usually it's supplied as a cell reference, but you can also type the string directly in the formula.


an optional argument that specifies from which character the search shall begin. If omitted, the search starts from the 1st character of the within_text string.

Find Function Examples

In column B of the following spreadsheet, the Excel Find function is used to find various characters in the text string "Original Text".


1Original Text=FIND( "T", A1 )
2Original Text=FIND( "t", A2 )
3Original Text=FIND( "i", A3 )
4Original Text=FIND( "i", A4, 4 )


1Original Text10
2Original Text13
3Original Text3
4Original Text5

Note that, in the above spreadsheet:
·         Due to the case-sensitivity of the Find function, the upper- and lower-case find_text values, "T" and "t", return different results (see the examples in cells B1 & B2).
·         In cell B4, the [start_num] argument is set to 4. Therefore, the search begins at the fourth character of the within_text string and so the function returns the second occurrence of the substring "i".

Usage notes

·         The FIND function will return the location of the first instance of find_text in within_text.
·         The location is returned as the number of characters from the start of within_text.
·         Start_num is optional and defaults to 1.
·         FIND will return #VALUE if find_text is not found in within_text .
·         FIND is case-sensitive and does not support wildcards.
·         Use the SEARCH function to search without case-sensitivity and/or to use wildcards.

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