Rand() function


Get a random number between 0 and 1.

Return Value:

Any decimal number between 0 and 1.




RAND() function will returns a number between 0 and 1. For example, = RAND() will generate  a number like 0.554533.

RAND() calculates a new value each time the worksheet is calculated. To stop random numbers from being updated, copy the cells that contain RAND to the clipboard, then use Paste Special -> Values to convert to text.

To get a random number that doesn’t change when the worksheet is calculated, enter = RAND() in the formulas bar and then press F9 to convert the formula in to its result.

To generate a set of random numbers in multiple cells, select the cells, enter RAND() and press ctrl+enter.

To generate a random number between a and b, use this formula: rand()*(b-a)+a

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